Problem is, downloads don't pay the bills.

I've put hundreds of hours into this and I love being able to give it away for free. This project is developed, built, and maintained by one person. CrossOver offers a huge improvement to many games' default crosshairs for those with colorblindness or contrast issues. CrossOver is a small, unintrusive crosshair overlay which has plenty of configuration options to assist with aiming and vision of your crosshair. Other crosshair programs offer a single style or color option, and often don't allow you to reposition them. Automatically updates in the background to keep your features fresh ( Mac and Windows only).Persistant settings remembers your choices automatically.Customize crosshair size, color, and opacity.Play your favorite titles in exclusive fullscreen and allow your PC to focus its resources on the game. Additionally, the fullscreen overlay is achieved by using the Xbox Game Bar on Windows 10 and 11 which is a trusted overlay platform built by Microsoft. It is not on VACs list of prohibited programs. Cross-platform: Windows, MacOS, and Linux support Use our game bar extension to seamlessly overlay any game of your choice on Windows 10. Crosshair X is VAC compliant because it is an external program that does not interact with CS:GO game files in any way.Choose from tons of true-to-life sights.