Play script romeo and juliet
Play script romeo and juliet

To find a Juliet equal to Ogden’s calibre (offstage couples often do not partner), the company convinced powerhouse ballerina Sara Mearns, a long-time principal at New York City Ballet, to dance the role for the first time.

play script romeo and juliet

And on Friday, Ogden’s husband, Guillaume Côté, performed what the company says will be his final round of Romeos after dancing the role for more than two decades. Thursday’s opening night at the Four Seasons Centre featured principal dancers Heather Ogden and Ben Rudisin, heroically stepping in to replace his offstage partner Harrison James, who bowed out at the last minute because of injury. The National Ballet of Canada opened its run of Romeo & Juliet on the weekend in Toronto with two pairs of stellar dancers – the casting circumstances proving just as dramatic as the story. Venue: Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts.Dancers: Heather Ogden, Ben Rudisin, Guillaume Côté, Sara Mearns.Keep up to date with the weekly Nestruck on Theatre newsletter.

Play script romeo and juliet